Vilma Almendra & Manuel Rozental. We are not speakers of ‘Pueblos en camino’ [the people’s path] because we don’t have speakers.


Vilma Almendra & Manuel Rozental. We are not speakers of ‘Pueblos en camino’ [the people’s path] because we don’t have speakers.
What we are, are voices talking from that space. ‘Pueblos en Camino’ is a proposal, a bet and a challenge in front of the miror and to the transitions (for good or bad) of our times. The departure point is a commitment with ‘knitting resistances and autonomies between peoples and proceses’ that we are identified with.
Autonomy from peoples and territories, with horizons in politics and of the political being different and uncompatible with the conception and the practice imposed by the stereotype of politics.
We are driven by the search of other-politics from the defense, the resistance, and the reproduction of life in common and colective. Horizons, webs, experiences, wisdoms, knowledges and searches from areas and meanings that usually doesn’t fit, and has never fit on the limits of politics (Capital-Modernity) imposed to serve inevitably the project of acumulation and exclusion. With that landscape operating, kniting people and procesus, that priorizing; off course, resistances from those communitary horizons of politics and the politic towards capital, to the permanent conquest, to the disposession in the corporative-speculative transnational phase that threatens the whole life.