

Montenegro, Lucelia. Political coordinator of The Intercultural Autonomous Indigenous University UAIIN - CRIC. She is part of the Indigenous Regional Council of Cauca. Born in El Tambo in 1979, she belongs to the Indigenous community of Kokonuko. She has studies in the ‘Rafael Solarte Idrobo’ Institution in El Tambo. She is professional production manager from SENA Institute. She is certified in Agricultural production in the University of Cauca. In her path according to the rhythm of nature 1996 –
2020 has worked as: Senior counselor of CRIC, Administrative coordinator of the bilingual intercultural education program of UAIIN-CRIC, Coordinator of the Agricultural program of
Kokonuko - Center Zone, Coordinator of the process of formation in health of UAIIN-CRIC, and Governor of the ‘Alto Rey’ Kokonuko community. In her path she has International acknowledgments such as: Wisdom teacher by UNESCO in high education, investigation and knowledge of the ONU in 2009. Diploma given by the Agricultural Educational Institution of ‘Alto del Rey’ for her contribution to the Institution, and an aknowledgment from the Coffee growers committee for the participation and construction of the aqueduct of Pandiguando, Piagua.
Palacios, Jhonatan. Born in the Indigenous Reguard of Rioblanco, part of the Ancestral Yanakuna community in Cauca, Colombia. He is coordinator of the sub-component of ‘Good Communitary living’ of the Autonomous Intercultural Indigenous University (UAIIN-CRIC) who’s function is to open strategies for the prevention of physical and spiritual disharmonies in the University community. He is political scientist of the Cauca University and his spaces of work are related with the rituals of the Yanakuna community, spirituality, music, dance, and political and communitary organization. He’s part of the process of the youth movement of the Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca (CRIC), the Indigenous Guard, has been mayor and secretary of the Indigenous Council of Students in Superior Education (CIDES) and is currently dinamizer counselor of the Autonomous Indigenous Intercultural University UAIIN-CRIC.