

Works cited

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URL:  https://nomasmetaforas.com/session10_THECAPTURESOFOUREMANCIPATION

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URL: https://youtu.be/2E3kQqrHwqo

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URL: https://www.e-flux.com/architecture/superhumanity/68640/on-anthropolysis/

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URL: https://youtu.be/y8LzY24ChtQ

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URL: https://www.e-flux.com/journal/53/59883/the-black-stack/

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URL: https://nomasmetaforas.com/session3HOWFORESTSTHINK

Chasky Wayra Yakuw, Shutymi. Video-interview with NOMASMETAFORAS. The Schizo-Shamanic Alliances at UAIIN-CRIC, March 2021. Accessed August 1st, 2021.
URL: https://nomasmetaforas.com/session8_ShutymiChaskyWairayaku

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URL: https://nomasmetaforas.com/session2MULTINATURALISM

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URL: https://nomasmetaforas.com/session1FARAWAYTHINKING

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IMAGES [in order of appearance]

Cover. Becoming Jaguar as the Automated Cloud, by Julian Dupont, 2021.

Image 1. El Jaguar, The cards of the animals, Jamie Sims & David Carson, Illustration by Angela Werneke, Editorial Sirio, 1999.

Image 2. Not the terraform we want, photo by Julian Dupont, 2020.

Image 3. The Thunder, Installation, 2.20 mts x 1.10 mts. by Julian Dupont, 2021.

Image 4. Sekh Buvx, 21 of June celebration. Photo by Julian Dupont, 2021.

Image 5. Dreaming technologies, Video by NOMASMETAFORAS, 2021.

Image 6. Demapping series, Digital printing on metal paper by Julian Dupont, 2020

Image 7. Demapping series, Digital printing on metal paper by Julian Dupont, 2020

Image 8. Mascacoca [design for traditional doctors] Video by Julian Dupont, 2018.
URL: https://jdupont.tv/MASCACOCA

