42 Plaque at the entrance of the Quai Branly Museum in Paris
43 Slavoj Zizek, In defense of intolerance (2008) p.56
44 Pablo Jose Ramírez in the conference ‘The old singing of the blood’ in Reina Sofia Museum (2020)
45 Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, Canibal Metaphysics (2010) p.45
46 Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, Canibal Metaphysics (2010) p.50 - p.51
47 Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, Canibal Metaphysics (2010) p.50 - p.47
48 Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, Canibal Metaphysics (2010) p.50 - p.46
49 https://www.globalwitness.org/en/campaigns/environmental-activists/last-line-defence/
50 https://riosvivoscolombia.org/
51 Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, Canibal Metaphysics (2010) p.50 - p.53
52 Eduardo Kohn, How forests think (2013) p.1
53 Donna Haraway, Staying with the trouble (2016) p. 58
54 Eduardo Kohn, How forests think (2013) p.33
55 Charles Peirce, What is a sign? In the essential Peirce: Selected Philosophical Writings. Vol 2
56 Eduardo Kohn, How forests think (2013) p.34 - p.72
57 Broken Nature MOMA, Eduardo Kohn in conversation with Paola Antonelli (April 2021)
58 Malcom Ferdinand, A decolonial Ecologie (2019)
59 https://youtu.be/mvDz7n_1JvI
60 Manuel Sisco with NOMASMETAFORAS video-essay in the Schizo-Shamanic Alliances (April 2021)
61 Francia Marquez in Picara Magazine (2018)
62 Ibid
63 Julieth Morales with NOMASMETAFORAS in the Schizo-Shamanic Alliances in UAIIN-CRIC
64 Catherine Malabou lecture ‘Concepts that matter, from Plasticity to the clitoris’ organized by the PhD Program in Philosophy at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2021)
65 Ibid
66 Catherine Malabou on the conference ‘Emotional life in a Neurobiological Age: On wonder in Cornell University (2013)
67 Catherine Malabou, on the interview ‘No to flexibility, yes to plasticity!’ In Philonomist (2020)
68 Hyperstition, Documentary by Christopher Roth in collaboration with Armen Avanessian (2016)
69 Thimothy Morton, Humankind (2017)
70 Davi Kopenawa, Bruce Albert, The falling Sky: words of a Yanomami shaman (2013) p. 18
71 Paraphrasing Audre Lorde, The master tools will never dismantle the master’s house (1979)
72 Paul B. Preciado, Shu Lea Cheang and Audrey Tang in the conference ‘Democracy in transition: freedom, art and cooperative action in the fourth industrial revolution in the Taipei Fine Arts Museum (2018)
73 Catherine Malabou in the conference Philosophy and the brain: towards a critical approach to neuroscience (November 2020)
74 Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Can the subaltern speak? (1988)
75 Donna Haraway, Staying with the trouble (2016) p.32
76 Catherine Malabou in the conference Philosophy and the brain: towards a critical approach to neuroscience (November 2020)
77 Shutymi Chasky Wayra Yakuw with NOMASMETAFORAS video-essay in the Schizo-Shamanic Alliances (April 2021)
78 Monica Gagliano conference in Ars Electronica, Academy of thoughts: Hybrid futures (2021)